Lidershipi dhe Puna në Skuadër
Obiektivat e Kursit:
Ky model kursi ka për qëllim t’i ofrojë studentëve njohuri e aftësi, për të kuptuar në mënyrë profesionale metodat e udhëheqies dhe punës ne skuader, në bordin e një anije. Kursi është i dizejnuar për të përmbushur kërkesat e reja qe rrjedhin nga Konventa STCW10, për aplikimin e lidershipit dhe të punës në ekip, në përputhje me ndryshimet Manila 2010, në mënyrë të veçantë siç thuhet në tabelën A-II / 1, A-III / 1 dhe A-III / 6.
Funksioni: Kontrolli mbi funksionimin e anijes dhe të kujdesi për personat në bord në nivel operacional. Ky kurs është i dizajnuar në përputhje me STCW / 78, i ndryshuar, tavolina A-II / 1, III / 1, III / 6 dhe IMO sigurisht modeli Lidershipi dhe Teamwork. IMO 1.39.
Parakushtet: Është supozuar se nxënësit të cilët marrin pjesë në këtë kurs duke mësuar në klasë dhe përvojën e bordit, duhet te kenë familjaritet të mjaftueshëm me operacionet në bordin dhe të kuptojnë se udhëheqja dhe puna në ekip është një pjesë thelbësore e rolit të tyre në bordin e një anije.
Kohëzgjatja e Kursit: 1 ditë
Pjesëmarrja: Minimum 4 kandidatë në ditë
Objektivat e Kursit:
- Kuptimi i konceptit të lidershipit dhe rëndësia e punës ekipore brenda në bordin e një anije.
- Dallimi në mënyrë të qartë i hierarkive të ndryshme dhe autoritetet brenda një anije.
- Aplikoni metodat e nevojshme për zgjidhjen e konflikteve të brendshme me personat e ekuipazhit.
- Njohja e funksioneve të caktuara për çdo anëtar të ekuipazhit, të caktuar nga eprorët e tyre.
- Aplikimi i njohurive në menaxhimin e stafit në bord dhe ngjarje të ndryshme që mund të ndodhin, për të ruajtur mjedisin e përshtatshëm të punës.
- Njohja e konventave të ndryshme ndërkombëtare detare dhe rekomandime sipas ligjit kombëtar.
Copper carbonate scrap acquisition Copper scrap briquetting Copper scrap audit
Scrap metal industry standards, Copper scrap shipment, Scrap metal reclamation facility
Scrap metal industry standards Metal waste revitalization Iron reclaiming and reprocessing
Ferrous material procurement, Iron scrap reclaiming solutions, Metal reclaiming depot
Copper scrap valuation Copper scrap shearing Scrap metal reprocessing center
Copper cable scrap reuse opportunities, Metal recovery and recycling, Copper scrap market research
Eco-conscious metal recycling, Copper scrap legal requirements, Copper cable reception for export, Scrap metal logistics services
Metal reclaiming yard services Ferrous material recycling standards adherence Iron waste reprocessing plant
Ferrous metal, Iron waste reclaiming and reprocessing, Environmental compliance in metal recycling
Metal reclaiming yard operations Ferrous waste recycling center Iron scraps reprocessing
Ferrous scrap recycling technology, Iron scrap smelting, Metal scrap processing plant
Metal reclaiming and reuse Ferrous material recycling regulations compliance Iron recycling and recovery center
Ferrous material recovery and recycling, Iron recycling plant, Scrap metal salvage services
Resource conservation in metal scrap industry Ferrous metal recycling market Scrap iron processing
Ferrous metal recycling benefits, Iron material recovery and reuse, Scrap metal reclamation and recovery services
Scrap metal recycling center Ferrous material market analysis Iron recyclable waste management
Ferrous material recycling economic analysis, Iron scrap yard facility, Scrap metal marketing strategies
Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.
The thing isn’t about running out of addresses It is about IPv6 is objectively better then IPv4It is about all devices have a public address, and you can, if you want to, make devices accessible from internetNotice, accessible, IF you want to, and open the firewall for the deviceAnd about network segmentation, you get /56 network from your ISP that you can divide into 256 different public IPv6 networks (as it should always be /64 in LAN) And you can then put your devices that phone home, that is IoT devices that you buy, in that LAN And then open and close the Firewall between different LAN and internet as you likeNo, IPv6 is easier to set up, as you only need to add the device to a LAN and it will work with no infrastructure And with just a router, if you want to Or with a DHCPv6-server if you want toAnd you really should not use IPv4 or IPv6 addresses, you should use mDNS or DNS for accessing machines And with DNS you can use the same name for both IPv4 and IPv6So for home LAN, you should use IPv6 because it is as easy, or easier, to manage as IPv4, and you can easy add security by divide the network into different LAN depending on how you classify they device And lastly, it is just disturbance to have IPv6 for devices that should be accessible from outside Because that make a difference that doesn’t need to be there, and you would need to know which devices have IPv4 and which have IPv6Lastly, IPv6 is a new thing to learn and hack with And this site is devoted to hack stuff, isn’t it? 🙂
I did some lazy-man parallel processing (we’re talking many seperate text files, wgets, data extraction/processing) years ago with bash, very bad practice but it it involved grep-ing the output of ps aux in a loop with a wait period, only firing off new tasks when the number of active tasks was below a certain threshold, and this number could be altered depending on how big a box it was running on The whole thing was dreadfully slow but it worked, and at the time it was only supposed to be used once, so I cared more about the result than the process I re-did the whole thing in python afterwards, and although that was multi-threaded it ran many times faster on much less powerful hardware
Second, HR status, namely ER and PR expression, were detected in primary and metastatic tumor specimens, with a low discordance rate of 6 priligy review members