The course has been prepared to provide up-to-date knowledge of legal developments, interpretations and recommendations since enforcement of the ISPS Code. It is focused on notable security issues such as the piracy threat, security familiarization and training requirements and the effective implementation of security equipment and measures. It serves as practical guidance, based on the experience gained and best management practice, to reinforce and improve implementation and maintenance of the required security measures throughout companies and ships. The 2010 Manila amendments to the STCW Convention, related to security issues have been taken into account and will be treated profoundly.

Duration of Course: 3 days

Attendance: Minimum 4 trainees per day

The content and guidance provided in the course is addressed mainly to acting Company Security Officer (CSO) and Ship Security Officer (SSO) but also to those exercising security responsibilities in shipping companies, Administrations, agencies, port facilities and in the supply chain.

The course focuses on:

  • Operational security experience gained and lessons learnt;
  • Requirements for security familiarization and training of company & shipboard personnel;
  • Requirements for operation in high risk areas;
  • Application of Best Management Practice to counter piracy;
  • Employment of Armed Guards;
  • Practical ISPS drills and exercises covering piracy and armed robbery.